Pre-payment Incentive
All full-time students (12 hours minimum) can receive a $50.00 deduction from their tuition each semester by pre-paying their total tuition (not including room and board or fees) no later than June 1 (fall semester) or December 1 (spring semester).
Dorm students who are full-time (12 hours minimum) can receive a $50.00 deduction from their room and board each semester by pre-paying their total room and board (not including tuition or fees) no later than June 1 (fall semester) or December 1 (spring semester).
Note: all fees are expected to be paid in full at the time of registration.

"Commit thy works unto the LORD, and thy thoughts shall be established." - Proverbs 16:3
Current Financial Information
To discover the current rates for the room, board, and tuition, as well as other fees, download our financial information.
Registration per Semester
Full-Time Tuition: $4,050.80
Matriculation Fee: $350.00
Technology Fee: $80.00
Room and Board: $2,903.57
Total: $7,384.37
Full-Time Tuition: $4,050.80
Matriculation Fee: $350.00
Vehicle Registration Fee: $30.00
Technology Fee: $80.00
Total: $4,510.80
Payment Plan
Tuition payments, room and board payments, and fees are due in full at the beginning of each semester. Anyone not able to pay for the semester in full will be required to enroll in the payment plan. Students on the payment plan will have their tuition and room and board payments divided into six payments, due according to the payment schedule below. All fees will be due on registration day and are non-refundable.
If a student enrolls for classes after the payment schedule has started, his payment plan will be adjusted so that he will be on schedule to have his balance paid off by the last due date for the semester (e.g., if a student enrolls in August for the fall semester, the first three payments from June 1st, July 1st, and August 1st will be due on Registration Day with the fees. He will then be on schedule with the remaining 3 payments due on September 1st, October 1st, and November 1st)
Payment Schedule
1st Payment Due
June 1st
2nd Payment Due
July 1st
3rd Payment Due
August 1st
4th Payment Due
September 1st
5th Payment Due
October 1st
6th Payment Due
November 1st (or Prior to Final Exams)
Fees Due on Registration Day
1st Payment Due
December 1st
2nd Payment Due
January 1st
3rd Payment Due
February 1st
4th Payment Due
March 1st
5th Payment Due
April 1st
6th Payment Due
May 1st (or Prior to Final Exams)
Fees Due on Registration Day

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