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The rigors and challenges of the ministry should constantly drive preachers back to the Lord and His Word. Are you an independent preacher who has a love for the Word and a desire to obtain more tools to put in your ministry toolbox? If so, please consider enrolling in the Master of Ministries program at Ambassador Baptist College.
This 32-hour masters program is designed for the preacher who is active in ministry and has a hunger to be further equipped for the ministry. The program is broken down into eight manageable modules of practical training. Each module is worth four hours of classroom credit and is offered in typical semester and summer school time frames.
Advanced Preaching Concepts with Dr. Billy Martin
Every preacher should strive to be a better preacher. Along with being a better Christian, the preacher should work to refine his preaching to be the best communicator of God’s truth that he can be. For many years, Evangelist Billy Martin has been known as a preacher, orator, and statesman.
The History of Fundamentalism with Dr. Roger Luiken
A study of the past helps to reveal the way for the future. Years ago, preachers led their churches out of doctrinal error and compromise and great cost. Dr. Roger Luiken takes his class through the journey of Fundamentalism.
Advanced Apologetics with Dr. Bruce Love
The world has always challenged the beliefs of Christianity. Paul answered the skeptics on Mars Hill in Acts 17, and today’s preacher needs to be just as equipped to meet the challenging questions of society. Be challenged in your thinking as Bruce Love presents the tough questions people are asking today.
Advanced Counseling with Dr. Charles Surrett, Dr. Bruce Love, and Dr. Randy Bray
The longer you are in the ministry, the more issues you will encounter as you minister to people. Learn how to effectively counsel people in the most sensitive issues including marriage and sexual abuse. Three seasoned pastors give you sound, Scriptural principles coupled with much experience.
Evangelism and Revival Theology with Dr. Billy Martin
Billy Martin is a seasoned evangelist who will walk you down the corridors of revival history. It is important for the preacher not only to know the history of revival but also the theological foundations for it.
Missiological Concepts and Applications with Dr. Ron White
Every preacher should have a heart for missions and an understanding of the life of a missionary. Veteran missionary Ron White gives both theological observations and practical applications.
Church History with Dr. Joel Spencer (offered on campus July 11-15, 2022, and online in the Fall of 2022)
Jesus said, “I will build my church.” See this promise fulfilled in history from the early church until now. Learn about major movements in church history with an emphasis on local church ecclesiology and Baptist history.
Church Administration with Dr. Roger Baker (offered on campus February 20-24, 2023, and online in the Summer of 2023)
Church administration is for pastors of churches both large and small. Churches of all sizes have special events, staff members or volunteers, and organizational structure. Learn principles of administration in the context of the local church to glorify God and lead His flock.
Online Modules
$900 per 4 credit-hour module
This program is not eligible for use of VA benefits.
More Information
Upon acceptance, contact Matthew Hanke at mhanke@ambassadors.edu to register for your course(s).
Questions may be directed to mhanke@ambassadors.edu or admissions@ambassadors.edu.