Goal: $100,000
Total Raised: $118,637.89

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Lattimore, NC 28089
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Dear Friend,
In January, I took a trip to India to preach the Gospel and encourage Bible college students who are preparing to serve the Lord in India and neighboring countries. My heart was deeply moved by the tremendous need for the Gospel and the boldness of men and women who have stepped away from the dead religion of their ancestors at great cost. I am so glad God is still raising up an army to serve Him!
God has assembled a host to serve Him on the campus of Ambassador Baptist College. Many students enroll in our four-year programs and make the journey from Freshman to Senior as they study the Bible and prepare for the ministry. I hope you will take a few moments to see a glimpse of each year and the challenges they face.
Each year, we look to friends and churches to help us with the annual Graduation Offering. This special campaign helps us keep our tuition and room and board costs at a reasonable rate for our students. Will you prayerfully consider helping our students make the journey by participating in the 2023 Graduation Offering? Your gift is tax deductible and will impact every member of the student body.
Pray that our students will “grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ” as they make the journey from Freshmen to Seniors in the classroom. May God bless you for your prayers and support.
An ambassador for Christ,
Alton Beal


Transitioning From High School To College
Experiencing The Financial Burden Of A School Bill
Making New Friends
Learning To Manage Time
Starting Core Classes In Their Major
Growing Through Immaturities
Increasing Academic Load
Maturing In Relationships
Praying About Summer Internship Possibilities
Taking More Responsibility In Ministry
Gaining Confidence In The Classroom
Discerning God’s Direction For Future Ministry
Praying About Ministry Placement Or Graduate Studies
Leading Underclassmen In Spiritual Development
Continuing Development In Ministry Gifts
For Many, Anticipation Of Marriage

Ambassador Endowment
If you would like to give toward The Ambassador Endowment, please contact Randy Bunn at rbunn@ambassadors.edu or (704) 434-0303 for more information. You may mail your donation to Ambassador Baptist College P.O. Box 158, Lattimore, NC, 28089 and mark your gift for "The Ambassador Endowment."