From time to time, there is a necessity to restate the college’s doctrinal positions for the benefit of our students, faculty, alumni, and supporters. In its 35 years of existence, Ambassador Baptist College has been committed to the superiority of the King James Version for English-speaking people. The college doctrinal statement reads as follows:
We believe…
…in the verbal, plenary inspiration of the Old and New Testaments.
…in the preservation of God’s Word through the Hebrew Masoretic Text and the Greek Textus Receptus.
…that the King James Version is the best English translation of the Bible.
We have taught since day one that the Bible has been given to us by God (2 Tim. 3:16) in its entirety. If a preacher or theologian questions one book of the Bible, he has questioned them all. We can be assured that God is the Author of the Bible and that He guided humans to write it (2 Pet. 1:21).
We have acknowledged and taught our students that the Scriptures were given in Greek and Hebrew/Aramaic and preserved through the centuries in the Hebrew Masoretic Text and the Greek Textus Receptus (TR). God has preserved His Word in these manuscripts and many languages and tongues have benefitted from the translation of the Scripture from these manuscripts. God has preserved His Word for the world. When students sit in General Bible Introduction, they are taught about the errors of Ruckmanism and the problem with modern versions from the Critical Text.
From the beginning, we have taught that the King James Version is superior to other English versions of the Bible. It is a faithful translation of the Greek and Hebrew and God’s people and the world can trust it to be the preserved Word of God. On numerous occasions, our founder Dr. Ron Comfort has heralded God’s blessings on the King James Version and has preached it and committed it to memory. In the classroom, all teachers use the KJV and teach and preach exclusively from it.
Some have contested the superiority of the KJV because of readability and translational issues and have sought to replace it with the NKJV, MEV, and other TR English versions. Others are calling for institutional use of the KJV Bible to be discontinued. Ambassador remains unchanged in its position. English speaking people can trust the King James Version as the Word of God. Many independent Baptist churches continue to thrive and grow under its usage today.